About the Marina
Exploring Success at Metarina: Insights and Lessons from a Marina Group
People behind the Success Story
“Working with Metarina is an exciting and stimulating opportunity as we put our knowledge into practice to create a tool that will help meet a real need in the maritime sector and adapt to the changing times ahead. I celebrate and fully support Metarina's vision and initiative! The biggest advantage I see is to offer an easier and quicker way to make a reservation and to reduce the steps on both sides - marinas and boaters. I also like the fact that the software is adaptable. It works for marinas of all sizes and requirements. I have a lot of ideas to share with the Metarina team because of my experience and the work I'm doing now. I see how hard they work to adapt all these concepts and ideas to make a really complete tool. It's very powerful!”
Max Mallol, Marina Manager Marina Quinta do Lorde Madeira, Director Decoin
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